Why People Fall under Depression. Credit Canva
Why People Fall under Depression. Credit Canva

A bad mood or sadness that doesn’t go away can be sign of depression. This can happen to all kinds of people, no matter their age, gender, race, or how much money they have. Even though depression is common — especially in teens — some people develop it while others don’t. Why?

Here are the reasons why people fall under depression:


Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can make you more vulnerable to depression later in life.


Age Can Contribute to Depression

If you’re elderly, you’re at a higher risk of depression. And factors such as living alone and lacking social support can add to the risk.

Age Can Contribute to Depression. Credit Canva
Age Can Contribute to Depression. Credit Canva


If you have a first-degree relative (biological parent or sibling) with depression, you’re about three times as likely to develop the condition as the general population. However, you can have depression without a family history of it.


Stressful Life Events

Difficult experiences, such as the death of a loved one, trauma, divorce, isolation and lack of support, can trigger depression.

Stressful Life Events. Credit Canva
Stressful Life Events. Credit Canva

Medical Conditions Cause Depression

Chronic pain and chronic conditions like diabetes can lead to depression.


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